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Overhead Magnetic Separators

Overhead Magnets are suspended over conveyor belts and vibratory feeders. They are designed to magnetically lift ferrous metals out of bulk material which ensures product purity and protects processing equipment. Any ferrous metal that is attracted to the overhead magnet face is either automatically and continuously removed with self-cleaning models or held in place on stationary models until the magnet is either shut off or manually removed. Dings Overhead Magnetic Separators remove damaging ferrous tramp metal which can cause costly repairs and downtime.

Inline vs. Crossbelt Overhead Magnet Mounting Positions

Dings Overhead Magnets are available in two suspension types: Inline and Crossbelt.

Inline Mounting Position

Inline orientation is a more efficient
mounting position than Crossbelt over the conveyor. With an inline mounted magnet, as the material is discharged from the conveyor it becomes airborne. This liberates the tramp metal making it easier to separate because it doesn’t need to be pulled through the material burden. This along with its lower required suspension height sometimes
permits the use of a smaller more economic magnet in comparison to cross-belt over the conveyor orientation. Inline Magnets are used in conjunction with a splitter to ensure proper separation between burden material and tramp metal.

Crossbelt Over Conveyor

In a cross-belt over the conveyor belt mounting position the magnet is installed at a right angle to the travel direction of the material on the belt. Tramp metal is collected by the magnet and discharged by the magnet’s self-cleaning belt into a collection bin along side the conveyor. This orientation is commonly used when the magnet is being installed in an easily accessible area on an existing conveyor.

Crossbelt Over Head Pulley

Several factors make the cross-belt over the head pulley orientation a more efficient option than mounting over the belt. The first one is the conveyor belt flattens as it reaches the pulley allowing for a reduced suspension height. Secondly, as the material leaves the conveyor it becomes airborne, making it easier to separate because the tramp metal doesn’t need to be pulled through the material burden. These factors also
sometimes permit the use of a smaller more economic magnet. Magnets installed in this position are often used in conjunction with a splitter.

When compared to an inline mounting magnet, a larger-sized magnet is required to remove ferrous from a crossbelt application (since ferrous on the belt surface has to be pulled up through the burden). If the magnet cannot be installed over the head pulley, install it over the flat section of the conveyor.

Dings Overhead Electromagnets

Overhead Electromagnets with a 20 Year Warranty on Coil Burnout.


Dings Overhead Permanent Magnets

Overhead Permanent Magnets with a Lifetime Warranty on Magnetism.